Too often, human beings find themselves in a dark place. It can be challenging to find something strong enough to pull us out. The world can feel cold and dark; without the tools and resources to be our own light, we risk letting the darkness consume our hearts.

The things that plunge us into darkness are often deep-seated internal wounds that have yet to heal. These wounds can fester and become infected, making us bitter and blind to the beauty that life offers. Some examples of these wounds include childhood trauma, abuse, the loss of a loved one, substance abuse, heartbreak, and discouragement. While it may not always be our fault that we carry these wounds, it is our responsibility to heal them so we can live joyful and healthy lives.

The first step to finding your light is recognizing that you’ve lost it. Next, become aware of your thoughts and triggers to identify where the wounds lie. Allow yourself kindness and the space to experience these triggers and reactions, acknowledging that this is your body’s way of surviving. Don’t judge yourself for being a survivor; instead, show compassion towards your wounds and provide them with the love, nourishment, and time they need to heal. Remember, healing takes time, and patience is key.

Once you give yourself space to heal, you will begin to notice positive changes within and around you. Life will become beautiful once again. When you’re ready, you can share your light with the world. Being a light for others might mean offering wisdom or guidance or simply being present for someone in need. To be the light is to lend your strength to those who are weak or to brighten someone’s day with a smile.

Other ways to be a light in an often dark world include being kind to others. You can help someone carry their groceries to their car, let someone into traffic when you’re waiting at a stoplight, hold the door open for the person behind you, and, most importantly, know when it’s time to listen.

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