Waxing Services

Body Waxing
Arm Wax (Full) $50
A full arm wax removes all hair from the wrist to the shoulder.
Arm Wax (Half) $35
A half arm wax removes all hair from the wrist to the elbow.
Back Wax (Full) $68
Removes all hair from the back, starting at the shoulders down to the hips.
Basic Bikini Wax $45
Only removes hair on the bikini line.
Brazilian Wax $67
"Removes all hair from the groin area, including the back."
Chest Wax $55
Removes all hair from the collarbone and shoulders down to the tip of the ribs.
Leg Wax (Full) $75
Removes all hair from the thighs to the ankles, both front and back of the legs..
Leg Wax (Half) $52
Removes all hair from the front and back of the legs, from the ankles to the knees.
Stomach Wax $35
Removes all hair from the top of the ribs, the sides, and just above the pubic bone.
Underarm Wax $27
Removes all hair in the armpit area.
Full Body Wax $350
Removes all body hair, including from the arms, underarms, chest, back, stomach, groin, and legs.
Face Waxing
Brow Wax $25
Removes excess hair around the eyebrow area.
Lip Wax $15
Removes all hair from the top and the bottoms of the lips.
Brow & Lip Wax $35
Removes excess hair around the top and bottom of the eyebrow and lip area.
Chin Wax $15
Removes all hair from the chin.
Lip & Chin Wax $24
Removes all hair from the top and bottom of the lips & chin.
Eyebrow, Lip, & Chin Wax $47
Removes all hair around the eyebrow, lip, and chin areas
Cheek Wax $25
Removes all hair on the cheeks including the side burns.
Ear Wax $15
Removes all hair from the inside and on the ear.
Nose Wax $15
Removes all hair from inside the nostrils.
Neck Wax $27
Removes all hair on the front of the neck under the chin.
Ear, Nose, & Neck Wax $40
Removes all hair inside and on the ear, inside the nostrils, and on the neck.
Side Burn Wax $15
Removes all hair on the side burns.
Full Face Wax $58
Removes all hair around the eyebrows, lips, chin, cheeks, side burns, and forehead.